Oak Planed All Round (PAR) Plank - 2700, 2400, 1800 & 1200mm Lengths

  • PAR Timber
 - £43.20
Taxes included

Oak Planed All Round (PAR) Plank - 2700, 2400, 1800 & 1200mm Lengths

  • PAR Timber
 - £43.20
Taxes included
All metafields on Product: Oak Planed All Round (PAR) Plank - 2700, 2400, 1800 & 1200mm Lengths
6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Metafield ID Type Is List? Data Value
certification certification_identifier false {"date_order":"2025-01-29","name":"Responsibly Managed Forests"}
finish finish_identifier false {"alias":"Unfinished (Raw)","date_order":"2025-01-29"}
grade grading_identifier false {"alias":"Prime Grade","date_order":"2025-01-29"}
material single_line_text_field false Hardwood
pack_quantity number_integer false
pack_type single_line_text_field false Each
purpose single_line_text_field false Planed All Round Oak strips for your DIY projects
species species_identifier false {"date_order":"2024-12-04","image":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/40211709624616","name":"American White Oak"}
story list.metaobject_reference true 1: {"description":"Mechanically ripped down from rough sawn blocks\/planks, Weatherbar Planed All Round (PAR) Oak is one step away from a fully machined and finished product. Suitable for all kinds of DIY project, your imagination is the only limit. Various sizes and thicknesses are available from stock.\n\nPAR timber is machined so relatively smooth but will require sanding or additional working to produce a finished standard. Size tolerances and small defects are to be expected from this product. Only prime grade hardwoods are used producing the best of the best.","image":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/40901254218024","intro":{"type":"root","children":[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"Machined Planed Timber Suitable for All DIY Projects"}]}]},"layout":"Align left, full page background | v1","name":"Oak PAR - Core","title":"Oak Planed All Round Timber"},
2: {"description":"At Weatherbar we only use Prime Grade American White, American Red \u0026 European Oak species. Oak is strong, hard and mechanically sound making it the ideal timber for construction materials, flooring and furniture.","image":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/40211709624616","intro":{"type":"root","children":[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"Oak is a hardwood of the Quercus genus and comes in many different species. "}]}]},"layout":"Align left, 50\/50 | v1","name":"All About - Oak","title":"All About - Oak"},
3: {"description":"The best from the most prestigious and reliable suppliers across the globe. Hardwood is never perfect, but ours is close.","image":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/40211821134120","intro":{"type":"root","children":[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"Let's keep it simple. We only use Prime Grade timber."}]}]},"layout":"Align middle, full page background | v1","name":"All About - Grading","title":"All About - Grading"},
4: {"description":"Did you know all timber will have some knots? That's because all trees have branches! Knots in timber are a mark or scar caused by the growth of a branch from the main body of the tree. Tight knots are stable and are a result of a living branch present at harvest. Loose knots are unstable and often fall out of the plank. They are a result of branch that has died or broken away. We use Prime Grade timber to reduce the number of knots visible.","image":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/40211800424744","name":"All About - Knots","title":"All About - Knots"},
5: {"description":"These briquettes are then sold or used to heat our factory during the winter!","image":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/40211259031848","intro":{"type":"root","children":[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"In an attempt to reduce our carbon footprint and be as environmentally friendly as possible, we collect all of our chippings and sawdust to make in to briquettes."}]}]},"layout":"Align right, 50\/50 | v1","name":"Sawdust \u0026 Recycling","title":"Sawdust \u0026 Recycling"},
6: {"button_page_link":"gid:\/\/shopify\/OnlineStorePage\/128547455272","button_text":"Read our sustainability statement","button_url_link":"#","description":"Deforestation and the illegal harvesting of timber is a serious issue and should be a concern to everyone as the stewards of our planet. This is the reason we take such a hard stance on the origin of the timber materials we use. \nThrough the various industrial bodies that are available, we strive to ensure all of the timber we use has been removed from forests and woodland in a responsible and ethical manner. That way we can pass on peace of mind to our customers that everything you buy from us is sustainable and certified.","image":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/40211248087336","intro":{"type":"root","children":[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"Sadly, we live in a world where the origin of some timber (particularly hardwoods) cannot always be verified. Especially exotic hardwood that comes in to the UK from the Far East, South America \u0026 Africa. "}]}]},"layout":"Align middle, full page background | v1","name":"Sustainability - Our Promise","title":"Sustainability: Our Promise"}
thickness dimension false

Associated Map: unfinished-wood-products

Map Data:
certification certification_identifier:
{"date_order":"2025-01-29","name":"Responsibly Managed Forests"}
species species_identifier:
{"date_order":"2024-12-04","image":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/40211709624616","name":"American White Oak"}
finish finish_identifier:
{"alias":"Unfinished (Raw)","date_order":"2025-01-29"}
grade grading_identifier:
{"alias":"Prime Grade","date_order":"2025-01-29"}
pack_type Each
material Hardwood
height [value not found for key]
width [value not found for key]
thickness 19 mm
Certification: Responsibly Managed Forests
Species: American White OakAmerican White Oak
Finish: Unfinished (Raw)
Grade: Prime Grade
Pack Type: Each
Material: Hardwood
Thickness: 19 mm

Prime grade planed all round (PAR) planks are a semi finished product, ideal for your DIY project. Like the ripped to width (RTW) planks, they're taken from full width planks cut straight from the logs but instead of leaving them rough sawn on all sides, we go the extra step and pass them through our multi head moulder to give a machined finish on all sides.

Planed All Round (PAR) plank measurements are to a +/-2mm tolerance so please bear this in mind when considering the finished width and thickness required.

All PAR planks have a machined finish. This is not a decorative surface, the planks will further sanding or finishing.

Planks are prime grade American White Oak and kiln dried. 

Machined thickness is 19mm (please note machine tolerances).

Planed All Round Oak strips for your DIY projects

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All our products are sustainably sourced.

Responsibly Sourced Milled from prime grade, responsibly managed timber
UK Manufactured Machined on site in our factory in Lincolnshire
Hand-Finished All of our American White Oak products are hand-finished by our professional team

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Make sure you've got everything you need to finish the job to the highest standard.

Oak Planed All Round Timber

Machined Planed Timber Suitable for All DIY Projects

Mechanically ripped down from rough sawn blocks/planks, Weatherbar Planed All Round (PAR) Oak is one step away from a fully machined and finished product. Suitable for all kinds of DIY project, your imagination is the only limit. Various sizes and thicknesses are available from stock.

PAR timber is machined so relatively smooth but will require sanding or additional working to produce a finished standard. Size tolerances and small defects are to be expected from this product. Only prime grade hardwoods are used producing the best of the best.

All About - Oak

Oak is a hardwood of the Quercus genus and comes in many different species.

At Weatherbar we only use Prime Grade American White, American Red & European Oak species. Oak is strong, hard and mechanically sound making it the ideal timber for construction materials, flooring and furniture.

All About - Grading

Let's keep it simple. We only use Prime Grade timber.

The best from the most prestigious and reliable suppliers across the globe. Hardwood is never perfect, but ours is close.

Sawdust & Recycling

In an attempt to reduce our carbon footprint and be as environmentally friendly as possible, we collect all of our chippings and sawdust to make in to briquettes.

These briquettes are then sold or used to heat our factory during the winter!

Sustainability: Our Promise

Sadly, we live in a world where the origin of some timber (particularly hardwoods) cannot always be verified. Especially exotic hardwood that comes in to the UK from the Far East, South America & Africa.

Deforestation and the illegal harvesting of timber is a serious issue and should be a concern to everyone as the stewards of our planet. This is the reason we take such a hard stance on the origin of the timber materials we use.

Through the various industrial bodies that are available, we strive to ensure all of the timber we use has been removed from forests and woodland in a responsible and ethical manner. That way we can pass on peace of mind to our customers that everything you buy from us is sustainable and certified.

Read our sustainability statement
Product: 9427900006696
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Who is Weatherbar?

Originally founded as a draught-proofing company, Weatherbar has been proudly established for over 40 years. Initially acquired by Parallel to meet the growing demand for quality home improvement products, as the market for draught-proofing shifted, Weatherbar too altered its course to meet the demand of DIY-ers, Grand Designers, and keen home improvement beginners.

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